Words matter | new empowered you | hypnotherapy | olga willemsen | wellbeing blog

Words for Better Thoughts: 7 Tips

Words have power – your own words can heal you and can really hurt you. And there is a whole range of effects between healing and hurt.

The words that have the most power over you are not someone else’s but your own words. Your words influence your thinking and, through that, also your perception of the world and behavior. You can choose words for better thoughts and outcomes.

In this post, learn how some typical daily words negatively affect you and how to improve your life instantly by exchanging those words and creating better thoughts and understanding with others.

“All I need is a sheet of paper and something to write with, and then I can turn the world upside down.”

-Friedrich Nietzsche

How Words Influence Thoughts and Actions

Words are the concepts you are handling. You program yourself by default to feel a certain way by using certain words. And the way you feel makes you act accordingly.

If you use the words without being aware of their influence on you and repeat them over and over again, you may get disappointed by the outcomes you create.

1. I can’t

Remember some cases when you told someone, “Oh, no, I can’t do that, I will never be able to do that.” Also, remember your thoughts about yourself, your capabilities, and the feelings and sensations these words caused…

You probably thought of the limitations in your life and might have felt inadequate. But if you questioned your answer, you might have thought of the possibilities and opportunities for you to take that decision or action.

The words for better thoughts instead of “I can’t” would be “I haven’t tried this yet” and “I am open to making this new experience.”

Notice how you feel when you apply better words to your situation. Do you feel more empowered?

2. Problem

When you talk about having a problem or even “a big problem,” what are your thoughts, and how do you usually feel?

Your thoughts are probably negative, and you might feel heavy, exhausted, and hopeless.

The words for better thoughts: instead of Problem, you could use a more neutral word challenge or issue. How does your perception change when you exchange the word problem for challenge or issue?

You might feel lighter, more energetic, and hopeful and start thinking of possibilities and solutions.

Whereas nobody likes to have problems in their way, challenges are welcome. Challenges make life more exciting.

3. Trying

If you are asked to do something new or decide to do something new, you might talk about “trying to do it.”

If you are sitting and I will ask you to try to stand up, what will be your action?

You will probably stand up. But it is not what I am asking for. I am asking you to try, which is not the same as acting.

Imagine you wholeheartedly invite a friend or organize an important work meeting, and your friend or a critical stakeholder answers: “I will try to be there.” How certain are you that this person will be there for the event? Probably, you will be uncertain and confused.

So, when you use the word trying, you create much uncertainty and leave room for failing, retreating, escaping, or simply not doing it at all.

The words for better thoughts: it is much more apparent if you think of specific actions and time-frames when you want to do something. Your confidence will grow, and your success will be more assured.

4. But

The word but is powerful. Notice how the following statements feel to you:
“It is good for me to exercise more, but I am too busy; I just do not have time for it.”
“It is good for me to eat well, but it costs me too much effort/money.”
“I am doing my best, but the circumstances are stronger than me.”

You might feel powerless, helpless, and out of control. The word But cancels everything that was said before it. So, if a negative statement comes after the word “but” it will cancel anything positive that was said before it.

Now, notice how it feels if you say:
“It is good for me to exercise more, and though I am very busy, I will plan well to make time for it.”
“It is good for me to eat well. I will invest my efforts, and following arrangements will help me make it easier…”
“I am doing my best, and though the circumstances are not very easy, I will persist until I get the desired results.”

You might feel your power and that you are in control.

Also, putting a negative statement before the word But and the positive after it will neutralize the negative statement:

“This is not easy, but I will make it work.”

5. Why?

Give yourself a few examples of personal why questions. Often, these are questions like:

  • Why did this happen to me?
  • Why did this person say/do this to me?
  • Why am I (not) so?
  • Why can’t I (somebody else) be so-and-so?

Notice how you feel about these why questions? You probably feel stuck in the past, disappointed, and hopeless.

The words for better thoughts:
In contrast to “why,” how questions are current moment-, solution-, and action-oriented. Repeat the following questions and notice how they influence you:

  • How can I resolve this issue?
  • How can I improve this relationship?
  • How can I become better at …? etc.

6. My (ownership)

Become aware of what you take ownership of: my body, my mind, my health and fitness, my family, my partner, my parents, or my job – and the proud ones: my children, my achievements, etc.

Do you also use the word my with negative words like my problem, my illness, my stupidity, my bad luck, or anything similar?

If so, you accept that those are a part of you and your life, too.

This implies that something is wrong with you or your life and puts a heavy weight and pressure on you, which may make you feel helpless and hopeless.

So, never take ownership of something you do not like and want to change! Notice the difference:

  • My problem or My challenge
  • My illness or My health and fitness (because there are always more organs, parts of the body, tissues, and cells that function in illness as they should smoothly than those that do not) and my ability to cope with the illness
  • My stupidity or A mistake I am willing to learn from

7. I am…

Even more powerful impact on you have words that follow the words “I am…”: I am a citizen of the EU (or American), I am a husband or wife, I am a parent, I am a doctor, engineer, driver, backer, nurse, etc.

The words “I am” mean what you identify yourself with.

So, a negative identity presents an even bigger trouble; for example, I am stupid, I am the problem, I am unlucky, I am a perfectionist, etc.

Everything you identify yourself with seems to be a solid part of your personality. In reality, these are just unconscious, automatic patterns you’d learned long ago.

You were not born with them, and you can change them.

Using hypnotherapy, you can modify these unconscious, automatic behaviors quickly and effectively.

Creating awareness about how a few words can influence your mindset is only a part of what I am working on with my clients. Discover how transformational hypnotherapy and coaching can help you change your mindset fast and efficiently by addressing the root cause of the issues in a free call with me:

Power of Words and Thoughts

words for better thoughts | wellbeing blog | new empowered you | olga willemsen | hypnotherapy

By exchanging the words for more positive and powerful ones, you exchange the concepts you use and, therefore, the effect of the thoughts on you. Changes in thoughts can completely change your perception of circumstances and events in your life. This can help you feel better, lighter, positive, optimistic, and capable.

“If we understood the power of our thoughts, we would guard them more closely. If we understood the awesome power of our words, we would prefer silence to almost anything negative. In our thoughts and words, we create our own weaknesses and our own strengths. Our limitations and joys begin in our hearts. We can always replace negative with positive.”

-Betty Eadie

Words for Better Understanding

Also, using better words in communication with others can improve the outcomes of this communication – strengthen your relationships, and create better results in your career.

This is especially true when communicating with your children. Be mindful not to say to your child, “You can’t do this (you are too small).” or ask, “Why did you do this (a bad thing)?”

“Be mindful when it comes to your words. A string of some that don’t mean much to you, may stick with someone else for a lifetime.”

-Rachel Wolchin

For example, if you hear at work, in your project:
“But this is not possible. But this isn’t going to work. Why should we deal with this at all? This is not our problem.”
– simply ask: “So, how can we make it happen? How can we approach the challenges, address the issues, and make the project work?”

Q&A: Words for Better Thoughts

Does your personality change with language?

According to the American Psychological Association and multiple other sources, personality refers to individual differences in characteristic thinking, feeling, and behavior patterns.

Higher awareness and changes in your language can cause changes in thinking, feeling, and behaving. Thus, according to the psychological definition, changing your vocabulary will change your personality.

At the same time, the self, the essence of who you are, remains unaffected.

Changing your language is one of the essential tools to becoming a better version of yourself.

Conclusions: Words for Better Thoughts

Words have a powerful influence over your mental state and even actions.

By raising your awareness about the words you use, you can improve your mental state, choose better actions, and create desired results.

This you can do by avoiding using certain words and exchanging them:

  • I can instead of I can’t
  • Challenge or issue instead of a problem,
  • Doing instead of trying,
  • And instead of but
  • Asking how instead of asking why
  • Take ownership of (my…) and identify yourself (I am…) only with positive things, states, and characteristics.

Check out my post, 3 Reasons to Avoid Setting Boundaries and What to Do Instead,” to learn how metaphors influence you.

You might also find useful my posts on mental well-being about The Best Gratitude Practice and How to Sleep Better.


  • Trick, L., Watkins, E., Windeatt, S., & Dickens, C. (2016). The association of perseverative negative thinking with depression, anxiety and emotional distress in people with long term conditions: A systematic review. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 91, 89-101. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jpsychores.2016.11.004
  • Tod, D., Hardy, J., & Oliver, E. (2011). Effects of Self-Talk: A Systematic Review, Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology33(5), 666-687. Retrieved Sep 13, 2022, from https://journals.humankinetics.com/view/journals/jsep/33/5/article-p666.xml
  • D. Greenberger, C.A. Padesky, Mind Over Mood: Change How You Feel by Changing the Way You Think. ISBN13: 9780898621280

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